Polar Flowlink Data Transfer Device

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We compared price of Polar Flowlink Data Transfer Device across hundreds of online stores. We found Polar Flowlink Data Transfer Device in 6 stores with lowest price $38.51 in Newegg.com. For detailed price comparison of Polar Flowlink Data Transfer Device check table below.

Merchant Price -
Newegg.com [show price]
Adorama [show price]
UnbeatableSale.com [show price]
BikeSomeWhere.com [show price]
Sun & Ski [show price]
eSportsonline [show price]

Polar Flowlink Data Transfer Device description from Sun & Ski

Polar's FlowLink transfers training data between your heart-rate monitor and your PC in seconds. It connects to your computer via a USB port. This system makes it super easy to store and analyze exercise data and maintain a detailed log to take your fitness program to the next level.

Customer review

Stop buying oher reject. This is the one and true quality Polar Flowlink Data Transfer Device. That you might have at best price in the whole internet. Lets buy it from this Sun & Ski and you will see the difference.