Mesa Constitution Burglary/ Fire Safe MBF6032E-P

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We compared price of Mesa Constitution Burglary/ Fire Safe MBF6032E-P across hundreds of online stores. We found Mesa Constitution Burglary/ Fire Safe MBF6032E-P in 2 stores with lowest price $1195.00 in Sam's Club. For detailed price comparison of Mesa Constitution Burglary/ Fire Safe MBF6032E-P check table below.

Merchant Price -
Sam's Club [show price]
Sam's Club [show price]

Mesa Constitution Burglary/ Fire Safe MBF6032E-P description from Sam's Club

With so much on the line, why would you cheat yourself when it comes to safety? At Mesa Safe, we know you need the best protection available, that's why there is no shortage on our Burglary and Fire safe line. Mesa Safe Model MBF6032E-P not only protects your valuables and documents, but your handguns and firearms as well. From intruders to fires, this safe will be on guard 24/7 so that when the unthinkable happens, you're that much more prepared, and have that much more peace of mind...content style ul (margin-left:25px;margin-top:2px;margin-bottom:20px;) .content style h3 (font-size:13px;) .content style ul li (margin-bottom:2px;) .content style p (margin:10px 0;)

Customer review

I'm looking for several new gun cases & storage from stock Sam's Club. I have in home Mesa Constitution Burglary/ Fire Safe MBF6032E-P and it's first-class . I like related gun cases & storage from Mesa Safe.