Innova Discs Dx 3-disc Starter Set

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We compared price of Innova Discs Dx 3-disc Starter Set across hundreds of online stores. We found Innova Discs Dx 3-disc Starter Set in 1 store with lowest price $26.99 in Sun & Ski. For detailed price comparison of Innova Discs Dx 3-disc Starter Set check table below.

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Sun & Ski [show price]

Innova Discs Dx 3-disc Starter Set description from Sun & Ski

The Innova Discs Dx 3-disc Starter Set is a starter set that provides a well rounded variety of DX golf discs. These discs are hand picked for ease of use. This is the perfect gift for players who are new to disc golf. The disc colors and weights will vary.

Customer review

I simply bought this exclusive Innova Discs Dx 3-disc Starter Set and im bright with my buy out.