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We compared price of CHAIR SIDE CHAIR BK BLACK across hundreds of online stores. We found CHAIR SIDE CHAIR BK BLACK in 5 stores with lowest price $74.99 in Adorama. For detailed price comparison of CHAIR SIDE CHAIR BK BLACK check table below.

Merchant Price -
Adorama [show price]
Sam's Club [show price] [show price]
Concord Supplies [show price]
Office Depot [show price]

CHAIR SIDE CHAIR BK BLACK description from Sam's Club

Contemporary design adds flair to any environment. Padded seat and back for comfort. Steel frame provides extreme strength...content style ul (margin-left:25px;margin-top:2px;margin-bottom:20px;) .content style h3 (font-size:13px;) .content style ul li (margin-bottom:2px;) .content style p (margin:10px 0;)

Customer review

The CHAIR SIDE CHAIR BK BLACK was a gift for teenage son. He always wanted guest & reception chairs. It is his favorite color. He loves it. It shipped as expected and works well.