19" Transport Wheelchair

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We compared price of 19" Transport Wheelchair across hundreds of online stores. We found 19" Transport Wheelchair in 4 stores with lowest price $123.14 in Sam's Club. For detailed price comparison of 19" Transport Wheelchair check table below.

Merchant Price -
Sam's Club [show price]
UnbeatableSale.com [show price]
Overstock.com [show price]
drugstore.com [show price]

19" Transport Wheelchair description from Sam's Club

This standard 19" Transport Wheelchair features a carbon steel frame with chip-resistant chrome plating. The rear handles fold down for easy storage and transportation and the nylon upholstery is durable and lightweight. The black composite wheels require virtually no maintenance and incorporate dual-sealed precision bearings. There is a seatbelt for safety and it has padded armrests.

Customer review

Requiments are fine, looking fine, working fine. 19" Transport Wheelchair at 123.14 is the best choise for people who like high standart of working with this kind.